'Saya tidak tahu bagaimana saya bisa bertahan hidup': Penduduk desa Myanmar yang melarikan diri dari serangan udara menghadapi kekurangan pangan
axel wiryanto
Friday, 24 November 2023 20:46 pm
dibaca 187 kali

In camps on the border with Thailand, thousands of people displaced by the military are subsisting on meagre rations

It has been months since Naw Eh Wah has had a proper meal. The 15kg of rice she, like others living in the camp, was receiving every four weeks has been cut by more than half that amount.

“We fled our homes because of the violence, and now we are in trouble, almost without food,” she says. Her village, Lay Kay Kaw, 25 miles away, is occupied by the Myanmar military.
