'Saya lahir di sini dan saya akan mati di sini': orang-orang Ukraina yang dibebaskan menceritakan kehidupan di bawah pendudukan
axel wiryanto
Tuesday, 20 September 2022 23:00 pm
dibaca 243 kali

Ukrainian recapture of Shevchenkove, Kharkiv region, reveals method of Russian takeover

Strezhko’s ambitious plans were never realised. On 8 September, Ukraine’s armed forces launched a surprise counteroffensive. They swiftly recaptured a swathe of territory in the north-eastern Kharkiv region, including Shevchenkove. Most residents greeted the soldiers with hugs and kisses. Strezhko disappeared. He is believed to have fled across the Russian border, along with other collaborators.
