Metana yang memanaskan iklim dilepaskan dari lusinan situs bahan bakar fosil Australia, klaim kelompok lingkungan

Energy giants reject Australian Conservation Foundation’s infrared video investigation which claims gas leaks and venting at dozens of mines and facilities

Climate-heating methane gas is leaking or being vented from more than 100 places across 35 fossil fuel sites in Queensland and New South Wales, according to an investigation by environmental organisations.

The Australian Conservation Foundation commissioned the US-based Clean Air Task Force, a global nonprofit, to use new technology to monitor if methane was leaking from coalmines and gas facilities owned by energy giants Santos and Origin and pipeline company Jemena.

At least 25 visible leaks or venting places along major Jemena pipelines in the Darling Downs and in New South Wales between Newcastle and Wollongong.

At least 10 leaks or venting places at coal seam gas wells owned by Origin.

Methane being released from at least four of Santos’ seven coal seam gas wells in NSW’s Pilliga/Bibblewindi forest.
